Thursday, 4 September 2014

A Laurel..An honour indeed...An invitation by IGNCA ( Indira Gandhi national Center for Arts) to attend a symposium as a 'Rapporteur' it happened or what led to it , I can not fathom.. But feeling privilaged and enjoying it..Hope it is the begining of a long fruitful association..

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

For fresh updates..please follow Seema Singh Dua on Instagram....Thank you..:)

Friday, 20 June 2014

 This comes at a time, when finally, every second day I get views from across the globe...
I do so appreciate it, but honestly.. I really like it when people give me their perspective 
of my work. Something outside of myself... Something I can wrap up inside of...Like try it
on and see how it fits..
Opinions are so welcome and they stay private unless you are willing to share it..
So please help me grow as an artist.. I am keen to absorb..Will certainly reply..