From The Artist's Diary

When I face the clay I’m blank
A silent conversation starts
A whisper, A beckoning begins
Unknowingly I feel compelled to move my hands over it,
To feel it, almost a caress
Still nothing clear, no vision, no destination
Hours, at times days pass in meek communication
Till suddenly I hear it speak to me, beckon me, cry out, sing to me
And then nothing else matters
Forms emerge as if they always existed, somewhere suppressed, maybe deep within me
Forms freeze and we look at each other
A clear connection, no more whispers
Me and my clay are now not blank, but clear about our destination

Seema Singh Dua

Sometimes I wonder...
If I was not an artist, what then???
These thoughts often cross my mind
Cocooned in my studio,my haven,my den.
Is my vision just a pipe dream, I fear
while some who reach predictable heights are my peer...
Sometimes I ponder...
Over challenges of living a freelance life style,
Would I have settled for a nine-five for the extra edge ,the extra mile??
Then my thoughts go yonder...
To that line,that curve,that cut ,that stroke, to reach my goal,
Which will touch,stir,move one beholder`s soul.
I smile,that I touch another heart,
I smile,that someone connects with my art,
I smile, at that magical moment,oh so fine,
I smile,coz that one moment, is worth thousand lifetime,
I smile,swanky car or no,fat bank balance or no,
I have arrived,I am here I am alive...
I smile...reassured

Seema Singh Dua

There stands a Guru, a baba, a healer,
In glory,banking on need for a wheeler dealer.
Nothing ,I have against any, I plead,
To one ,I admit, my footsteps did lead.
I seeked one , for days in a row,
To flee the mess up and confusions galore.
Beseeched a remedy , I did implore. 
'Karma' ..'Destiny'..'Acceptance' ..they teach,
Ah, the highness ..ready to preach.
A limo lined up, luxury galore,
Adulation, worshipers ..never a bore.
Cynical, I must sound..but I plead not guilt,
Hey, not at all..else I`d wilt.
I`m enamoured enough to go again,
Maybe as an alternate career..for name or fame. 
Become a Mata..diamond rings and flowing gown,
'Lady Guru' cashing in on the weeping one.
Holier than thou, looking divine,
For plenty ,unable to read between the line.
Jokes apart...On a serious note I implore,
Think for a moment, take time to explore.
Do those,you seek have no issues of their own?
Do they not endure pain and moan?
If they could but erase your woes..
Why don't they give themselves a dose?
Embrace life in totality..
Mess ups ,confusions are but a reality
No one promised a life that would be easy..
Only with beauty, love and ecstasy..
Wake up before it is too late,
Labour ..pursue..achieve and learn to wait,
Then , only then challenge if it does not come your way...
Either destiny or your fate.

Seema Singh Dua

The Journey Within...Begins..

**There I was..Seeking answers to.. .What is happiness? What is perfect? What is peace?...The ambiguity of the whole thing..
**There I was..Intrigued with the enigma of 'Search for happiness'
**There I was..Constantly facing challenges of self,selflessness and selfishness..Trying to judge what is good for me...
**There I was wondering why I could not be at peace with myself..Without shunning the ability to judge my very being?..Why could I not just accept?..Why could I not just let be..

The Journey Within... Continues..

**Here I am now.. After much reasoning, introspection,questioning,contemplation..
Accepting that I am ME and I can BE..
~as sad as happy
~as exasperated as joyful
~as dissatisfied as content
~as confused as focused
~as envious as cheerful
~as crazy as simple
** Here I am now..Accepting that this is 'ME' in all state of being..Accepting the reality that I am complex and complicated..
**Here I am now..Allowing myself to'BE'

Finally here I am peace with myself..Loving myself..Happy being in my skin.. :)

Seema Singh Dua

When you connect with my sculpture..remember
**you are not connecting only to the piece sitting pretty..
**you are investing in many a minutes of labor, effort, experimentation and mistakes..
**many a minutes of sheer frustration, frown and gloom..
**many a minutes of joy, bliss, exuberance and glory..
**you are not connecting with one thing alone.
  but a piece of my heart, a piece of my life,  a piece of my soul..
**So cherish it !!
  Value it !!
**It is more than just a piece sitting pretty.. 

Seema Singh Dua

As I step up the ladder of doing commissioned work..
these thoughts often come to my mind.. 
a transition..a journey..a phase
only a few can fathom..without judging it as
" I , me and myself "
* I Desire..To read people to absorb their experiences...
* I Reach..For those less fortunate than me in their ability to express themselves..
* I Calm..The ones who can express more than me..
* I Seek.. The thoughts behind their words..
* I Crave..For my creative spirits to emerge..
* I Long.. For the moment to capture the impulse to create..
* I Wait.. To get into the frenzy of furious working pace..
* I Thrive.. To create through my work , an environment a situation..
* I Aim..To erase the superficial difference between being for aren't they just one..
I See , I Read , I Recognize the divine in them..
For once I don't shirk , shrink or shy
Here I am ..without sounding pompous...
" I , Me & Myself "
" You , Yours & Thyself..

Seema Singh Dua